Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Which the still emollient spirit keep clam"

Money becomes Xu to tell a reporter, don,t think again affair of making the land.
On July 19 this year, after, Qian Yun Hui is jail is money became Xu and father to once have a vice-minister to talk and hoped that the father stops appealing for higher authorities helping."We are farmers, the reality orders and is like to originally keep some blood clam so, the income is 12,000 dollars at least monthly, and the day is also quite good."Money becomes Xu thus say to the father.
But is Qian Yun Hui is attitude still resolute, mean "serve prison term to sit the medicines all eat not over, which the still emollient spirit keep clam"?The of father and son isn,t much a number of a conversation, part on bad terms.
The villagers seem to be all to hope to continue to keep on making at present."Affair is going to this is no longer Qian Jia is affair, some decisions need to be measured with company in the village, but the village pays book and village director all have no, so can wait and see who will come out to take the lead."There is villager that mean.

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