Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The hospital is final trial maintenance judged at first

The agriculture university graduate student beard is some, given a demerit because an examination clip to take in this report Xun(reporter, Gao Xing, ) China, school according to related rules, don,t give its B.A. degree.He tells the mother school to court of the people in the Hong mountain area and asks China agriculture to implement the job of giving the B.A. degree.The hospital makes administration verdict and affirms that China agriculture doesn,t give its academic degree behavior reasonable legality.The beard is some to defy to appeal to higher court into a hospital in city.The reporter learned of ° from medium hospital yesterday, the hospital is final trial maintenance judged at first.
The beard is some in 20059 monthly tests to go into China agriculture to attend.On June 26, 2008, at 《the park plant teaches kind to learn 》 course of clip to take related note in the final, the school gives according to 《the agriculture university student is discipline in China punishes rules 》 Article 16 Section 3 it to give a demerit a punishment, but don,t send to written punishment decision.Afterward, the beard is some through rebuild qualified obtain the course is credit.In July, 2009, China agriculture only distributes to graduate a certificate to the some beard, with beard the some cheat in an examination is given a demerit a punishment for from, refuse to give a B.A. degree to it.The beard is some hence initiate public prosecution to court of the people in the Hong mountain area, ask China agriculture to implement the job of giving the B.A. degree.

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