Monday, September 27, 2010

By within each cohort of candidates from the high score to low score followed by the number of accepted professional enrollment plan

by within each cohort of candidates from the high score to low score followed by the number of accepted professional enrollment plan; for the institution's first christian louboutin full professional volunteers failed to record a professional, will turn from the second, third, fourth, fifth professional volunteers who apply candidates and the candidates submit to the taking of professional transfers. This mode is more respect for the candidate's professional volunteer, professional orientation and focuses on testing.
relatively high scores of the candidates such as the blind pursuit of professional blindness christian louboutin shoes and the also applied for a certain two institutions, the end result is a small C by taking reverse gear, a small D is accepted. Most people will feel strange to see the results. According to the analysis, this because the rules giving priority to carrying out professional when taking the first professional volunteer candidates. Small C were reported in the professional voluntary international economic and trade, accounting, law, business administration; small D reported in the order for the accounting, law, international economic and trade, tourism management. admission, the school was found by search of international economic and trade as the first professional candidates have 30 people, while the enrollment plan for the 10 people, 10 who score 510 points, while the small christian louboutin sale C to 498 points in 30 ranked among the first 28, so can not be the first professional enrollment; small D the first candidates for the accounting profession, applied for accounting professional candidates for the first 20 people, taking the number 15, a small D scores ranked 12, the small D is admitted.

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