Friday, March 4, 2011

Development economy for speculation

The Po sun lake is located in province the north of Jiangxi, is China is biggest fresh water lake, also important ecosystem area in the world that the natural world foundation dilimits, undertake to adjust Hong to retain water, regulate weather and decline various ecosystem functions like solution pollution,etcs.In December, 2009, State Department formally criticizes to reply 《the Po sun lake ecosystem economic area programming 》 , Jiangxi will take the Po sun city turn in the lake as to rely on, with protection ecosystem, development economy for speculation, constuct a person and nature harmonious get along with of the ecosystem economy model area.
The establishment of 《the Po sun lake ecosystem economic area environmental protection regulation 》 is advantageous to from the lawmaking level promise while developing economy, protect the ecoenvironment of good Po sun lake and peripheral region.According to know, the regulation has already reported provincial government in Jiangxi and anticipate year inside can formally hand in a person to greatly deliberate and promulgate implementation.
Is another to understand according to the reporter, Jiangxi will continue to enlarge the protection toward the Po sun lake this year and pass to develop particularly an item Be whole to cure an activity to wait several measure, make the main river in the whole province and Po sun lake monitor cross section fluid matter stability reach a mark rate to attain 80.6%, the fluid matter raises further.
The environmental protection hall head of department, Deng Xing , of Jiangxi province means that Jiangxi will enlarge the Po sun lake ecoenvironment monitor and research this year clearly.Monitor the foundation of some in 17 existing Po sun lake fluid matters up, perfect Po sun lake ecoenvironment monitor project, enhance an environment research, control the Po sun ecoenvironment dynamic state in the lake in time, provide science Tiffany & Co for the decision basis.

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