Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"I see observers

States special forces troops knife stabbed directly to the Prince of the right arm. "Hello," the United States of the seals were laughed at her face, "you die! "to end the knife--- "Oh," I deeply absorption of air conditioning, stabbed into the armed forces to alleviate the pain, saw the mockery of the people, "? I am dead? "Prince also ridiculed Road---- The members of the seals, did not answer, because he has come to understand what he was stabbed in the Prince of the sword has not come out! The fear of prince laugh at him, "Why? "The left of the sword of the right moment he stabbed in the liver-AIDS" -- "Blood Prince spraying in the face, but the prince and did not winked his eyes. he vomited blood has been gradually the overthrow of the enemy and down. The strength of the right arm of the sword, Prince Direct spraying of blood in his face, "and do not know why you from? "It has already begun convulsion," You never know! "That Prince cut his throat. Called "-" A long sigh with relief and endured the pain of the right arm, prince climbs sniper! "Lonely, Stinger, loneliness, there is, you? fast! " ! " There is no response to the death of Prince mobile guns to lonely hideout, looking to the "Death to death. ! "I see observers, in the pool of blood, lonely disappeared-Death", the loneliness where are you? christian louboutin cheap "The aim of finding a prince, suddenly, in the nearby bushes, the rock," the lonely-" The Lonely already moribund, an enemy of laughter from the hands of the sword to lonely last click. At this moment, "blessed, criticized," the Prince of the gun, of the "--" fiery bullets were fired at with Prince, s anger the enemy. pierced his heart---- As soon as is proud that people can get rid of lonely enemy, suddenly body Zhen, pericardium injection is set for the lonely face stained with blood-down in the lonely them not to move. Lonely looked at him, not words, just to save lonely mA through direct observation hands and the body of the deadly across the board. body away, hard to climb, to find out more than 10 stab wounds, blood red damp earth-but there is no such lonely---- The sound of a blue Hao sound: "attack group, you have to go to cover, --" Daily "--" blood flowed out from the mouth. But do not care about these lonely, because he knew that the blue Hao difficult battle, and need support. Thus holding sniper rifles, looking at the next, "You have to hold on, he immediately. " The blue Ho their enemies and will soon come into contact with the war. Blue Hao front killed one of the enemy and blood of the aerial spraying, called "- was solved one! "But when the nearby bushes suddenly rushed out of a man carrying a M 4 players seals, suddenly shot, blue Hao response has been no time in just a moment, blue Ho eluded a low altitude over the fatal shot, but hit his

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